Geographical analysis of the climate impact on international cooperation to address the food crisis and ways of adaptation
Climatic Impact, International Cooperation, Food CrisisAbstract
The significance of studying the climatic impact on international cooperation in addressing the global food crisis and adaptation strategies from 2000 to 2023 arises from the growing global challenges, particularly climate change and military conflicts, which have significantly contributed to the worsening food crisis. This research aims to identify these cross-border issues, which have had a direct impact on all countries worldwide. In response, international agreements have been established within the framework of the United Nations, which has organized numerous conferences to mitigate these catastrophic effects. However, these agreements and conferences remain insufficient to fully address the crisis.
The study reveals that the food crisis has affected 7.9% of the global population in 2019, rising to 9.2% in 2022. The highest rates of food insecurity have been recorded in Africa (approximately 20%), followed by Asia (8.5%) and Latin America (6.5%). Furthermore, carbon dioxide emissions continue to rise, with nearly 40 gigatons (GT) added annually to the atmosphere, making it one of the most critical greenhouse gases contributing to climate change. These challenges have severely impacted the development and sustainability of economic resources in the short term. The study concludes that current international efforts remain inadequate in addressing climate change, the food crisis, emission reduction, and the transition to clean energy sources.
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