The role of sports organization in enhancing cooperation and teamwork in sports teams
organization, sports, cooperation, teamworkAbstract
Sports organization is one of the important elements in its impact on regulating collective behavior, and views on the issue of organizational culture vary, as it is considered an independent factor for some, and it is considered a product of social values from symbols, rituals, and values. Since sports organizations operate in an environment with numerous competitions in various fields, it requires their managers to possess diverse organizational cultures that help in selecting the appropriate method to address these conflicts and enhance cooperation and teamwork. The current research highlights the importance of understanding sports organization and its role in promoting cooperation and teamwork by administrative and technical staff of some sports organizations, and how to employ these methods to manage and control conflicts. Additionally, it has academic significance as it provides a reference framework for researchers in this field. Through the researcher’s observation of the influential and effective role of administrative organization in choosing the appropriate method in enhancing sports cooperation in our sports organizations because of their characteristics that enable them to achieve teamwork among athletes. Therefore, the research problem is focused on the following questions: Do members of some sports organizations (sports clubs, sports federations) in Baghdad Governorate have a sports organization? What are the common methods for dealing with sports organization from the point of view of members of some sports organizations (sports clubs, sports federations) in Baghdad Governorate? The research seeks to shed light on: preparing a measure of administrative organization and enhancing cooperation and teamwork for members of some sports organizations (sports clubs, federations). Sports) in Baghdad Governorate
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