Epicureanism in pre-Islamic poetry
Epicurus, pre-Islamic poetry, Epicureanism, happiness, wine, women, chivalry, warAbstract
There is no doubt that not believing in an afterlife will lead to behaviors that are different from the lifestyle of those who believe in God and the Last Day. This intellectual difference leads to dividing people into different categories, including the followers of Epicurus, whose main concern was to make himself happy as much as possible and to spread love between himself and his followers whose philosophy was similar to his philosophy, which did not believe in resurrection and an afterlife. As a result, Epicurus was in constant pursuit of everything that would give him joy and free him from sadness and pain. The research dealt with the remarkable similarities between the philosophy of a group of poets of the pre-Islamic era and the Epicurean philosophy, focusing on revealing the manifestations of this philosophy in their poetry, which was manifested in raising the status of women and making them one of the causes of moral joy and sensual ecstasy that they cannot do without, and in venerating the status of wine and making it a ladder to happiness and psychological pleasure, and some poets revealing the pillars of their lives and the reasons for their adherence to life and their love of remaining in this world, which was manifested in making wine, women, manhood, and leading armies the most important components of their lives and their adornment. The poets of the Epicurean philosophy lived a life that was concerned with making the soul happy in the present time and ignoring the sorrows of the past and the fear of what would happen to them in the future.
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