Designing a Digital Branding Model for the Political Persona of Lady Fatimah al-Zahra


  • Dr. Mona Jamipour Professor of Information Technology Management at Hazrat Masoumeh University (S)
  • Dr Seyyedeh Fatemeh Faghihi Professor of Public Law at Hazrat Masoumeh University
  • Dr Maryam Bardbar Hazrat Masoumeh University (S)



Personal branding, digital branding, political persona, Lady Fatimah al-Zahra (Peace Be Upon Her).


In the digital age, personal marketing strategy is considered the best way to enhance a political persona and choose the appropriate approach for personal excellence. Lady Fatimah al-Zahra (Peace Be Upon Her), as the highest-ranking woman in the world, was able to present various aspects of an outstanding human character throughout her short life, aspects that can be replicated across eras and throughout history. With the increasing number of online users, the development of mobile phone tools, and the rise of social media, marketing such a prestigious persona in the digital space has become a necessity that cannot be ignored. It is essential to make it possible to replicate this persona in the digital environment to raise awareness among the Islamic youth, especially women, regarding the various facets of Lady Fatimah’s character. Investigations have shown that this crucial issue has been overlooked in previous studies; therefore, the current research aims to present a model for the digital personal branding of this unique persona by studying the political dimensions of al-Zahra (Peace Be Upon Her) and providing the necessary requirements to present this model more effectively in the digital age. To achieve the research goal, in addition to examining historical and narrative sources related to the political dimensions of al-Zahra’s character, a comprehensive review of studies in the field of digital branding was conducted, and expert opinions were surveyed. The results revealed that the proposed framework has four main dimensions: the content dimension, the governance dimension, the cultural dimension, and the visionary dimension of al-Zahra’s unique political identity, which includes 23 requirements for developing her personal brand in the digital space. The proposed framework can serve as a roadmap for institutions responsible for religious and cultural activities, aiming to set a role model for youth, especially Muslim women


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Proceedings of the Scientific Conference (Lady Fatima Al-Zahra Conference) - in cooperation with Wasit University

How to Cite

Mona Jamipour, D., Seyyedeh Fatemeh Faghihi, D., & Maryam Bardbar, D. (2025). Designing a Digital Branding Model for the Political Persona of Lady Fatimah al-Zahra. مجلة واسط للعلوم الانسانية, 20(4/Pt2), 160-150.