The role of social media sites "Tik Tok" in digital advertising, a field study on a sample of TikTok users in Thi qar Governorate




social media, Tik Tok, digital advertising, Brand


The research aims to identify the role of social media sites "Tik Tok" in digital advertising on a sample of TikTok users in Thi Qar Governorate, as well as to identify how advertisements affect the purchasing decisions of TikTok users and explore the factors that motivate them to interact with the brand. Thus, the survey approach was relied upon and the research tool represented by the questionnaire was used. Through this, a sample of respondents consisting of (100 respondents from Thi qar Governorate) was tested. Thus, the research reached the following results: The results showed that the majority of respondents, at a rate of (58%), were females, and the largest age group of the research sample was (18-24 years). This indicates that TikTok is very popular among young people, and that 46% of respondents prefer to cooperate with influencers. Thus, we conclude that influencers on TikTok have become new directors of digital advertisements, as they design content that attracts audiences more effectively than traditional advertisements, because their role goes beyond promoting services to become innovative content makers who determine market trends. These findings highlight that TikTok provides a powerful and effective platform for advertising, especially since it benefits from collaboration with influencers to create engaging and interactive creative content that increases audience engagement with brands.


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Author Biography

  • Asst. Lect. Rihab Jawad kadhim Dhirsh, college of mass media- University of Thi- qar.

     رحاب جواد كاظم دهيرش

    مدرس مساعد 

    كلية الاعلام /جامعة ذي قار

    قسم الاعلام الرقمي


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How to Cite

Rihab Jawad kadhim Dhirsh, A. L. (2025). The role of social media sites "Tik Tok" in digital advertising, a field study on a sample of TikTok users in Thi qar Governorate. مجلة واسط للعلوم الانسانية, 21(1/Pt1), 542-524.

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