Lady Fatimah and Her Place on the Night of Qadr and Her Influence on the Behavior of Seekers


  • Researcher Fereshteh Fanbari Safat Moghadam University of Religions and Sects



Night of Qadr, Guardianship, Divine Will, Love, Obedience.


From the perspective of the status of the perfect human being in the existence of Lady Fatimah as the complete human, the manifestation of God is inherent. This means that a collection of divine attributes and names appeared in the form of the perfect human to oversee and direct the affairs of the world. Indeed, Fatimah is the medium of grace, the bearer of truth, and the creator of existence. What God blesses in His creation of His will is transmitted through her, via the path of her existence and the position of the Night of Qadr.

Understanding the existence of Lady Fatimah within the world (of course, within the scope of God's power) generates love for her, and pure love leads to obedience. Therefore, recognizing Lady Fatimah's presence is a strategic role in the school of Fatimite humanity.


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Proceedings of the Scientific Conference (Lady Fatima Al-Zahra Conference) - in cooperation with Wasit University

How to Cite

Fereshteh Fanbari Safat Moghadam, R. (2025). Lady Fatimah and Her Place on the Night of Qadr and Her Influence on the Behavior of Seekers. مجلة واسط للعلوم الانسانية, 20(4/Pt2), 191-181.