Education index in the Human Development Index(An applied study on Kut District)
Eeducation, Development, Kut districtAbstract
Education is one of the fundamental pillars of human development and, indeed, its core. It is therefore prioritized in the hierarchy of development objectives. As an outcome, education enhances the population’s capacity for innovation, progress, and active participation in production, investment, and the advancement of societal conditions, lifestyles, and living standards in response to emerging challenges. Given this significance, the present study examines the Education Index in Al-Kut District, the administrative center of Wasit Governorate, by analyzing all its educational institutions, from preschools to higher education, for the academic year 2023–2024. The study is structured into four sections, addressing the current state of the Education Index in Al-Kut, its measurement within the Human Development Report, the gross enrollment ratio across educational stages (primary, secondary, and higher education), adult literacy rates, and projections for the future of the Education Index in the district. The findings indicate that high population growth rates have contributed to disparities in human development indicators among administrative units within the district, including the Education Index. Consequently, variations are observed in both the Education Index and the Deprivation Index. The study concludes with a set of recommendations and proposals aimed at addressing the challenges and obstacles hindering human development progress in the district
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