Exploring Cultural and Personal Trauma in Heather Raffo’s Play Noura
trauma, memory, identity, cultural context, personal anguishAbstract
The paper delves into the examination of trauma portrayals in Heather Raffo's “Noura” (2019). Raffo examines the challenges faced by two Iraqi women, Raffo and Maryam, in relation to parenthood following the capture of Iraq by “ISIS”. The paper is concerned with the various depictions of trauma that Raffo accomplishes in the text then delves in the way she cocooned her characters’ identity in order to recover their traumas. Initially, Noura is a trauma tale, illustrating the recurrent and repetitive nature of trauma from mother to daughter. The narrative reflects the interactions and dynamics between the mother and daughter and their function as substitutes for memory and recounting personal narratives. Moreover, examining the capture of Mosul by “ISIS” highlights Noura's account as a portrayal of historical trauma. Subsequently, Noura is analyzed via the lens of cultural trauma, shedding light on the several personas that Raffo adopts throughout the story. As each character has their own unique perspective on how the fall of Iraq affected their life, Raffo has used a variety of identities to show how trauma can take many forms depending on cultural context. The personal anguish portrayed by Raffo, as well as her own connection to both Iraqi and American identity, which is explored through the main character and the storyline, is also revealed. This analysis sheds light on the experiences of Iraqi women in America, highlighting how their cultural affinity with these stories serves as a catalyst for creative expression.
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