Al-Zahraa is the beacon of truth and the path to salvation


  • Rese. Taama Abdel Awda Ministry of Education / Open College of Education / Wasit Study Center



The Lady Al-Zahraa, Nibras, the Beacon of Truth, Path, Guidance


To discourse upon the epitome of womanhood, Hazard Fatimah al-Zahra (peace be upon her), is an endeavour of profound spiritual significance. Her life, marked by unparalleled trials and tribulations, nonetheless stands as an enduring testament to faith, resilience, and virtue. She remains the paragon of piety for believing women, a beacon illuminating the path towards divine guidance. This study will delve into the multifaceted aspects of her life that serve as an exemplar for all humanity, including her profound asceticism, unwavering chastity, and steadfast adherence to the principles of hijab. Furthermore, we shall examine her courageous defence of the prophetic mission and the institution of the Imamate.


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Proceedings of the Scientific Conference (Lady Fatima Al-Zahra Conference) - in cooperation with Wasit University

How to Cite

Taama Abdel Awda, R. (2025). Al-Zahraa is the beacon of truth and the path to salvation. مجلة واسط للعلوم الانسانية, 20(4/Pt2), 22-9.

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