A role of women in the family economy ( the thought of Fatima Al-Zahra - peace be upon her as a model) - a contemporary economic outlook


  • Dr. Ahmed Ibrahim Hussein Ali Al-Obaid . Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
  • Res. . Rafah Madallah Majeed Al-Douri Lecturer at the Ministry of EducationLecturer at the Ministry of Education




Family economy, Lady Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her), Economic balance, Family welfare, Iraqi societ


A current research stems from the thought of Mrs. Zahra, peace be upon her, in the development of society through the development of the family, which represents the first nucleus for the growth and development of any human society around the world. The economic role of women is of great importance in supporting all family members and meeting their requirements, as they are often the largest and influential role in the stability of all members of this family, so the size of the responsibilities that may fall on them related to the stability of their social and economic status may approach and sometimes exceed what may fall on the shoulders of men of these responsibilities, making them often the most important element in the contemporary stable family, and the owner of the largest role in it. Women's economic role in the family and home is often the most important, although in many cases their role may not exceed the limits of their home. It can be considered the direct supervisor of expenses on the one hand, and family requirements on the other hand, which makes its role vital and very important in order to achieve balance and prevent any imbalance in it that may result from the high volume of expenses compared to the financial income of the family. From the point of view of the researcher , The Fatimid woman, as a housewife in Iraqi society and supervising its requirements, must reach economic balance, which in turn is an integral part of the balance of society by estimating your family's full income as a first step from which the woman housekeeper starts in her home. Therefore, the stability of the family, which is one of the most important reasons for it, depends in one way or another on the economic role of women in achieving that balance, and the extent of their success in reducing their expenses, rationing them and reducing the size of unnecessary expenses, taking into account the monthly income of that family.


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Proceedings of the Scientific Conference (Lady Fatima Al-Zahra Conference) - in cooperation with Wasit University

How to Cite

Ahmed Ibrahim Hussein Ali Al-Obaid, D., & . Rafah Madallah Majeed Al-Douri, R. (2025). A role of women in the family economy ( the thought of Fatima Al-Zahra - peace be upon her as a model) - a contemporary economic outlook. مجلة واسط للعلوم الانسانية, 20(4/Pt2), 149-138. https://doi.org/10.31185/wjfh.Vol20.Iss4/Pt2.801