Judicial pardon for the employee and its impact on administrative disputes


  • Asst. Lect. Hamsa Jassim Mohsen Al-Husseinawi Wasit Water Directorate
  • Prof. Dr. Abdolsaeid Shojaei Noor University, Iran – Tehran




Judicial Pardon, Public Employee, Administrative Disputes.


A criminal judgment is typically issued against an employee accused of abusing their authority, particularly when such abuse constitutes a crime harmful to the public interest. However, exceptions may arise that lead to the suspension of the enforcement of such judgments, including general and special pardons. It is well-established that a general pardon may be granted to an Iraqi individual sentenced to death or other penalties, or subjected to measures restricting liberty, regardless of whether the judgment was issued in absentia or in person, or whether it has reached finality. This does not negate civil, disciplinary, or administrative liability.

There are also laws that stipulate the application of pardon provisions to both the original punishment and any associated supplementary or secondary penalties. This enables employees who have abused their authority and are covered by a pardon to return to their positions.

The research aims to explore the concept of judicial pardon and to clarify its implications for employees and its impact on administrative disputes. To achieve this, the researcher outlined the general concepts in the first section, while the second section examined the conditions of judicial pardon and its effects on administrative disputes. The study concludes with findings and recommendations.


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Author Biography

  • Prof. Dr. Abdolsaeid Shojaei, Noor University, Iran – Tehran

    , Faculty Member, Payame Noor University, Iran – Tehran


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How to Cite

Hamsa Jassim Mohsen Al-Husseinawi, A. L., & Abdolsaeid Shojaei, . P. D. . (2025). Judicial pardon for the employee and its impact on administrative disputes. مجلة واسط للعلوم الانسانية, 21(1/Pt1), 523-506. https://doi.org/10.31185/wjfh.Vol21.Iss1/Pt1.771

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