Frameworks for Addressing Economic Issues on Iraqi Newspaper Websites:An Analytical Study of Al-Sabah Newspaper Website for the Period from 1/8/2024 to 1/11/2024





Framing, Al-Sabah Online, Economic Issues


This study analyzed the framing of economic issues in the online platform of the Iraqi newspaper Al-Sabah during the period from August 1 to November 1, 2024. Employing the analytical media survey method, the study utilized a content analysis form to monitor and analyze the published economic content. The research focused on economic issues, their framing, and the mechanisms of their coverage, with an emphasis on framing theory as the theoretical foundation.

The analysis revealed a clear focus on investment and development issues (23.7%), followed by topics on electronic payment and digital transformation (16.9%), and industry and foreign trade (14.7%). The newspaper primarily relied on government officials as information sources (43%), followed by economic experts (27.1%). News reports dominated the coverage (44.1%), with in-depth analyses accounting for 27.1%.

The coverage was characterized by reformative and developmental frames, emphasizing objectivity and comprehensiveness. It maintained a neutral tone in 47.9% of the articles, while 30.5% adopted a positive tone.


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How to Cite

RIYAM SAADI SHRSHAB SHRSHAB, R. (2025). Frameworks for Addressing Economic Issues on Iraqi Newspaper Websites:An Analytical Study of Al-Sabah Newspaper Website for the Period from 1/8/2024 to 1/11/2024. مجلة واسط للعلوم الانسانية, 21(1/Pt1), 599-573.

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