The Role of Corporate Governance in Reducing the Phenomenon of External Auditor Opinion shopping: A Field Study on a Sample of Audit Firms Operating in the Kurdistan Region environment."


  • Asst. Lect. Payman Saeed Khalil College of Administration and Economics University of Zakho
  • Lect. Dr. Nawzad Khudhur Saeed College of Administration and Economics University of Zakho
  • Asst. Lect. Dunya Habib Awdish College of Administration and Economics University of Zakho
  • Lect. Dr. Nareen Ibrahim Musto College of Administrations and Economics University of Duhok



Corporate Governance, Audit Opinion Shopping, Audit Services Market, Audit Firms, Kurdistan Region environment


This study aims to highlight the role of corporate governance in mitigating the phenomenon of audit opinion shopping in the Kurdistan Region. To achieve this goal, two main hypotheses were adopted to test the relationship and impact between the study variables. The study employed a descriptive-analytical methodology, using fieldwork to collect data, and applied simple regression analysis and path analysis through (SPSS.20) on data obtained from 42 questionnaires. These questionnaires were collected from a sample of external auditors working in auditing firms and offices operating in the Kurdistan Region to test the study’s hypotheses. The study reached several findings, most notably the existence of a strong, statistically significant correlation between corporate governance and audit opinion shopping in the Kurdistan Region. Furthermore, the results demonstrated a significant effect of corporate governance in limiting the phenomenon of audit opinion shopping. On the light of findings, the study presented several recommendations, the most important of which is the necessity for supervisory and regulatory bodies to establish rules and procedures for monitoring the audit quality of audit firms operating in the region to reduce audit opinion shopping. Additionally, it suggested imposing strict penalties on firms violating these regulations, with continuous follow-up on the enforcement of such penalties by the Kurdistan Association of Accountants and Auditors.


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Author Biographies

  • Asst. Lect. Payman Saeed Khalil, College of Administration and Economics University of Zakho




  • Lect. Dr. Nawzad Khudhur Saeed , College of Administration and Economics University of Zakho

    مدرس في قسم العلوم الإدارية - كلية الإدارة والاقتصاد - جامعة زاخو

  • Asst. Lect. Dunya Habib Awdish, College of Administration and Economics University of Zakho


    College of Administration and Economics

    University of Zakho

  • Lect. Dr. Nareen Ibrahim Musto, College of Administrations and Economics University of Duhok


    College of Administrations and Economics

    University of Duhok



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How to Cite

Payman Saeed Khalil, A. L. ., Nawzad Khudhur Saeed , L. D. ., Dunya Habib Awdish, A. L. ., & Nareen Ibrahim Musto, L. D. . (2025). The Role of Corporate Governance in Reducing the Phenomenon of External Auditor Opinion shopping: A Field Study on a Sample of Audit Firms Operating in the Kurdistan Region environment.". مجلة واسط للعلوم الانسانية, 21(1/Pt1), 769-746.

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