The legal framework for securitization companies
money, company, debt, securitization, liquidity.Abstract
A securitization company is a company that engages in the activity of issuing negotiable bonds within the limits of the financial rights and deferred receivables transferred to it with the guarantees assigned to it.
Securitization is a financial process in which instruments are issued carrying the value of assets that generate a return and are then sold to investors. Securitization can be the conversion of long-term loan installments into bonds and selling them on the stock market with the aim of obtaining their value immediately upon issuance.
The problem of the research was represented by the legislative deficiency in dealing with this type of company, in addition to the presence of several questions that can be asked, the most prominent of which is the extent to which the Arab legal environment allows the adoption of this type of company? Can it actually work? It requires multifaceted legislative solutions
This allows exporting companies to provide liquidity that enables them to expand in providing more loans without waiting for installment payment dates, and without loading their budget with financing expenses such as bank borrowing
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