Emplotment of the place in the novel (Baghdad Morgue) by Burhan Shawi


  • Lect. Dr. . Husam Mohammed Dewan Imam Al-Kadhim College of Islamic Sciences University / Wasit departments




emplotment, place, title, description, point of view, time.


Place occupies a distinguished position in postmodern novels. According to some critics, it is the new hero in the literary text. Therefore, place is no longer just a location for the events of the novel, but can carry symbolic connotations that go beyond its sensory status. In the novel (Baghdad Morgue), place turns into a profound symbol that reflects the general state of Iraq and embodies chaos, death, and turmoil. Hence, the research sought to investigate the special arrangements and coordination that contribute to the formation of place, and to present an image of it that goes beyond the sensory image.


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Arabic language and its literature

How to Cite

Husam Mohammed Dewan, L. D. (2025). Emplotment of the place in the novel (Baghdad Morgue) by Burhan Shawi. مجلة واسط للعلوم الانسانية, 21(1/Pt1), 46-34. https://doi.org/10.31185/wjfh.Vol21.Iss1/Pt1.768

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