The meteorological conditions associated with the recurrence of thunderstorms in Iraq
thunderstorms, weatherAbstract
Thunderstorms are an Atmospheric Ahenomenon that occurs as a result of instability in the atmosphere. The research aims to study the hourly weather conditions associated with the recurrence of thunderstorms in Iraq, as thunderstorms are accompanied by sudden weather fluctuations in the rates of (atmospheric pressure, wind speed, temperature, rain, and hail) The study was based on hourly recordings at meteorological stations from the beginning of the recurrence of thunderstorms during the fall, winter and spring seasons, and the study was carried out by relying on (8) stations (Mosul, Kirkuk, Rutba, Baghdad, Diwaniyah, Al-Hay, Nasiriyah and Basra) for the period (2013-2023). The total number of thunderstorms recurred during the study period was (1263) recurrences. The study revealed a variation in the weather elements accompanying the recurrence of thunderstorms during the months, according to the seasons, and according to the place. The average atmospheric pressure accompanying thunderstorms was (1010.3) millibars, and the average temperature accompanying thunderstorms was (22.6) °C. As for the wind speed, the wind speed accompanying them was recorded at a rate of (7.7) m/s. As for the frequency of rain and hail accompanying thunderstorms, it was (458, 241) for each.
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