The Rhetorical Techniques and Emotional Variation in the Poetry of the Mu'allaqat Poets


  • Rese. Zainab Abdel Hassan Khaloufi College of Education for Human Sciences / the University of Wasit.
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Naseer Khalaf Abbas College of Education for Human Sciences / the University of Wasit.



Rhetorical techniques, paradox, contrast, antithesis, symbolism


Rhetorical techniques are diverse and vary from one individual to another, from one situation to another, and across different circumstances. These rhetorical methods often evoke emotions, utilizing poetic imagery that includes explicit, figurative, and complex expressions. The pre-Islamic poet employed a variety of rhetorical techniques to convey his diverse emotions and fluctuating sentiments, simultaneously captivating and engaging the audience through these emotional shifts. Additionally, the poet crafted richly symbolic, aesthetic, and noble poetic images, shedding light on emotional and sentimental dimensions. The poet relied on rhetorical techniques through the use of beautiful and powerful compositions, delivering messages with profound meanings directed toward the audience. Such techniques include maintaining appropriate rhythm, soft vocal tones, and other methods that varied depending on the poet’s circumstances and experiences.


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Author Biographies

  • Rese. Zainab Abdel Hassan Khaloufi, College of Education for Human Sciences / the University of Wasit.


    زينب عبد الحسن خلوفي

    كليّة التّربية للعلوم الإنسانيّة / جامعة واسط.


    Zainab Abdel Hassan Khaloufi

    College of Education for Human Sciences / the University of Wasit.

  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Naseer Khalaf Abbas, College of Education for Human Sciences / the University of Wasit.

    الأستاذ المشرف

    أ.م.د. نصير خلف عباس

    كليّة التّربية للعلوم الإنسانيّة / جامعة واسط.


    D. Naseer Khalaf Abbas

    College of Education for Human Sciences / the University of Wasit.


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Arabic language and its literature

How to Cite

Zainab Abdel Hassan Khaloufi, R., & Naseer Khalaf Abbas, A. P. D. . (2025). The Rhetorical Techniques and Emotional Variation in the Poetry of the Mu’allaqat Poets. مجلة واسط للعلوم الانسانية, 21(1/Pt1), 172-156.

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