The Influence of AI on Improving Translation Skills: A Survey Study


  • Asst. Lect. Lamya Rasheed Al-Ali Department of Translation -College of Arts - University of Basrah Basrah - Iraq



Artificial Intelligence, AI-powered translation software, DeepL, Gemini, ChatGPT, linguistic proficiency.


In the development of the digital world, translation is considered an integral part of communication among nations and cultures. This study aims to shed light on the influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on improving and enhancing the skills of the 4th-year students in the Department of Translation. It seeks to analyze how AI-powered translation software, such as Google Translate, DeepL, Microsoft Translator, Gemini, ChatGPT, etc., enhances linguistic proficiency and ability to translate texts accurately and effectively. The descriptive analytical approach is adopted by using a questionnaire distributed to a sample of fourth-year students in the Department of Translation/University of Basrah. Likert scale is employed to evaluate students' responses regarding the efficacy of modern technologies in improving their skills. The study focuses on several aspects, including methods for searching vocabulary, translation accuracy, and the challenges students face in using AI applications. The results indicate that there is a tangible improvement in some aspects of translation when using AI applications. However, there are still challenges related to accuracy and cultural context. In addition, integrating traditional education with modern technologies plays a major role in enhancing students’ capabilities and developing their translation skills.


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European languages and literature

How to Cite

Lamya Rasheed Al-Ali, A. L. (2025). The Influence of AI on Improving Translation Skills: A Survey Study. مجلة واسط للعلوم الانسانية, 21(1/Pt1), 950-919.

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