Barqa Ports and Their Role in African Exports to Europe (1835-1911)


  • Lect. Dr. Ramia Hadi Marhej Ministry of Education - General Directorate of Education in Maysan Ali Al-Gharbi Secondary School for Girls



: Ports, Barqa, Exports, Africa


Ports are of utmost importance to Libya, its economy and national security, as they work to develop cities and surrounding areas, roads and facilities that connect the port to the city. The research aims to demonstrate the role and importance of Barqa ports in African-European trade exchange, so it sheds light on the following axes: The first axis presented the historical and geographical framework of the Barqa region, while the second axis highlighted the definition of Barqa's ports and commercial cities, including the port of Benghazi, which is the second most important port in Libya after the port of Tripoli, the port of Tobruk and Derna, and its most important cities represented in the oases, including Awjila, Ajlo, and Kufra, and the most important commercial markets that played a major and prominent role in activating the movement of commercial ports through their traditional markets, as there were several types, including permanent markets, seasonal markets, and temporary markets. As for the third axis, it unveiled the most important African exports to Europe through its ports, especially ostrich feathers, slave trade, leather, elephant ivory, and other goods, as well as touching on the customs duties imposed by the Ottoman government on those goods.


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How to Cite

Ramia Hadi Marhej , L. D. . (2025). Barqa Ports and Their Role in African Exports to Europe (1835-1911). مجلة واسط للعلوم الانسانية, 21(1/Pt1), 259-241.