Spatial and temporal distribution of solar radiation in Simil district - a study in energy geography


  • Asst. Lect. Awat Qadir Hassan Geography Department, College of Human Sciences, University of Dohuk, Kurdistan Region – Iraq



spatial distribution - solar radiation - energy geography- simel district- solar energy


Determining the amount of solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface is essential for selecting the location of solar energy projects. This study aims to identify the factors affecting the spatial and temporal variation in the distribution of solar radiation in the study area. The key factors include the astronomical location, Earth's orientation, solar brightness, and the angle of incidence of solar rays. The study also seeks to determine the spatial and temporal variation of total solar radiation using the ArcGIS 10.2 software and satellite images from the American Landsat satellite for the study area in 2023.

Furthermore, a suitability model was extracted to identify the best locations for establishing solar power stations in the Semel district, based on a set of variables within the ArcGIS 10.2 software, using the concept of Suitability Models. The result is a map divided into four categories based on suitability levels, to utilize solar radiation as a source of electrical energy.


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How to Cite

Awat Qadir Hassan, A. L. (2025). Spatial and temporal distribution of solar radiation in Simil district - a study in energy geography. مجلة واسط للعلوم الانسانية, 21(1/Pt1), 298-276.

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