The Transformations of the Poetic Image in Abbas ibn al-Ahnaf: An Analytical Study


  • Asst. Lect. Doaa Jelil Alwan Wasit University /College of Arts/Department of Philosophy



Abbas bin Al-Ahnaf, poetic image, Abbasid literature, artistic transformations, descriptive analytical method.


This study, titled "The Transformations of the Poetic Image in Abbas ibn al-Ahnaf," examines the use of poetic imagery within the context of Abbasid literature. Its objective is to analyze the poetic images employed by the poet in order to understand the artistic transformations reflected in his poetry.
The significance of this study lies in shedding light on how Abbas ibn al-Ahnaf expressed his emotions and human experiences through poetic images, as well as offering a new perspective on the influence of the social and cultural context in shaping these images.
The central issue of the study is to explore the factors that influenced the transformations of poetic imagery. The study employs a descriptive-analytical approach to evaluate the poetic texts. The results reveal that the poetic imagery in Abbas ibn al-Ahnaf's poetry reflects the depth of his emotions and his connection to the surrounding social environment.
The study concludes that Abbas ibn al-Ahnaf serves as a prominent example of how poets can express cultural and social transformations through the use of rich and effective poetic images.
Encouraging further research on this topic may contribute to a deeper understanding of Arabic literature and enhance its value as part of human heritage.
Keywords: Abbas ibn al-Ahnaf, poetic imagery, Abbasid literature, artistic transformations, descriptive-analytical approach.


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Arabic language and its literature

How to Cite

Doaa Jelil Alwan, A. (2025). The Transformations of the Poetic Image in Abbas ibn al-Ahnaf: An Analytical Study. مجلة واسط للعلوم الانسانية, 21(1/Pt1), 72-47.

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