Iraqi youth reliance on electronic newspapers and shaping their attitudes towards sustainable development issues.”


  • Asst. Lect. Hamza Khalid Mutshar Department of Media - College of Arts University of Wasit - Wasit, Iraq



Electronic newspapers - Sustainable development - Youth - Media Dependency


study aimed to identify the extent of youth reliance on Iraqi electronic newspapers and shaping their thinking towards sustainable development issues، through a field study on a deliberate sample of electronic newspaper followers consisting of (400) young Iraqis aged between 18 and 35 years. The study used media dependence theory.

Research results confirmed that the high rates of reliance on electronic newspapers with regard to sustainable development issues، and Al-Zaman newspaper came at the top of the newspapers that the researchers relied on. The most prominent motives for relying on electronic newspapers to know the news are entertainment، filling leisure time، and escaping from the daily routine. Energy issues came at the top of sustainable development issues that the study sample respondents are keen to follow in electronic newspapers. Regarding the nature of the impacts resulting from the reliance of Iraqi youth -the study sample- on news and information published in newspapers and websites، it was found that the most important impacts are behavioral impacts، then cognitive impacts، then emotional impacts. Results showed a moderate positive correlation between the degree of youth dependence on electronic newspapers to obtain information about the sustainable development goals and the motives for their use of Iraqi electronic newspapers. In addition، A direct and positive relationship was found between the degree of youth reliance on electronic newspapers to obtain information about sustainable development goals and the impacts resulting from their reliance on electronic newspapers (cognitive impacts - emotional impacts - behavioral impacts).


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How to Cite

Hamza Khalid Mutshar, A. L. (2025). Iraqi youth reliance on electronic newspapers and shaping their attitudes towards sustainable development issues.”. مجلة واسط للعلوم الانسانية, 21(1/Pt1), 572-543.

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