Beginnings of religious life in ancient Iraq
Ancient Iraq. Gods. PrayerAbstract
The ancient Iraqi civilization had a clear impact on various civilizations in the world, especially in the field of religion, as it was a major motive for these human civilizations and the main reason for accomplishing political, artistic, literary, intellectual and other tasks, as religion is the belief in the existence of an invisible higher power that controls the feelings, choices and actions related to humans. The images of the gods that the ancient Iraqis depicted in their decisions and discussions reflected the reality in their lives, as they looked at the gods with admiration, gratitude and hope to achieve their desires and considered them a role model in organizing their lives, so they worked to please the gods and avoid their anger. The gods resemble humans in all their qualities, from eating, drinking, and fornication. Still, they are distinguished from them by immortality, as the role of the gods was to interfere in their daily affairs, protect them from demons and evil spirits, and organize their lives in various aspects of life.
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