Competence of the Speaker of Parliament within the framework of the Iraqi and Lebanese constitutions
Parliament represents one of the three pillars of power in its traditional and modern senses. The truth is that the free and democratic parliament is the pillar of the democratic system and one of its most clear determinants for its members in Iraq. The problem seems greater because of the parliamentary experience that went through two stages in the Republican era, the stage before 2003, when the House of Representatives was merely an official government institution that did not detract from directives and directives. The head of state, its legislation was merely the implementation and formulation of the government’s legislative program, while Al-Raqbi did not go beyond merely supporting and supporting the government and its president.
The importance of this study stems from the prominent position of the Speaker of Parliament in the Iraqi and Lebanese constitutions, especially those that entered into force in 2005 and the Lebanese Constitution of 1926, as he presides at the top of the pyramid of legislative and Lebanese authority. It gives broad powers in constitutions because some of them believe that this constitution favors legislative power over executive power, they feel it is necessary to restore the balance between these two powers.
The research aimed to reveal knowledge of the concept of jurisdiction, executive authority, and the individual and shared powers of the Speaker of Parliament within the framework of the Iraqi and Lebanese constitutions.
To achieve the research, the researcher identified in the first section the basic elements of the research, which are the research problem, its importance, its objectives, and the definition of its terminology. As for the second section, it dealt with the individual and joint powers of the Speaker of Parliament within the framework of the Iraqi and Lebanese constitutions, and concluded the research with a conclusion that included the results and recommendations of the research.
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