Fatimah Al-Zahra (PBUH): Pain and Pen


  • Researcher Kareem Azab Lafa Al-Zamili Al-Mousawi / Bachelor's degree in Arabic Language, Wasit University, Al-Namaniya College of Education
  • Dr. Talib Maher Fadh Al-Miryani / Head of the Department at the Open Educational College, Qurna






The sanctity that Lady Zahra (peace be upon her) enjoys is agreed upon by all Muslims, and even by those outside the Islamic faith, such as the People of the Book and others. Few women have enjoyed such status, with the exception of the Virgin Mary (peace be upon her). This centrality has led to a consensus on her pure life, and although her life was short, its impact remains to this day in the hearts of the believers. This symbolic meaning is instilled, as soon as her name is mentioned, in the hearts of young people, especially the virtuous and faithful girls who walk on her righteous path despite the temptations and traps set by the enemies to ensnare them. They are armed with faith and chastity, which serve as a strong barrier against those deviant currents, offering a real role model in the real world, far from excessive utopianism and the ideas promoted by the enemies of the Ummah, who seek to separate the youth from their faith and role models, and to implant the wrong Machiavellian theory (the end justifies the means), making deviations and disobedience to the Lord of the Worlds as easy as drinking a cup of water, under the pretext of civilization and progress!

Such literary gatherings organized by the cultural institution in the two holy shrines and blessed universities have a clear impact on strengthening the bonds between society in all its forms, and spreading sound, peaceful ideas that support community security and domestic peace. We are in dire need of unity, diagnosis, and treatment, as well as solutions, rejecting the language of division and attacking the other Muslim. We must take advantage of the social media platforms to instill the spirit of unity, selflessness, and putting the interests of the Ummah above narrow personal interests. A great example of this is the stance of Lady Zahra (peace be upon her), who relinquished her personal rights for the service and protection of Islam, prioritizing others, even at the expense of her own rights. Peace be upon her on the day she was born, the day she was martyred, and the day she is resurrected.


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١ القرآن الكريم .

٢الحديث النبوي الشريف.

٣سيره المعصومين (ع) للدكتور احمد الوائلي ص١٧٨...١٩٠

٤الغدير في الكتاب والسنة للعلامة الاميني ص ٢٨...٢٩

٥ مفاتيح الجنان للشيخ عباس القمي ص ٥٥٨٢

٦احراق بيت فاطمة ع في الكتب المعتبرة للشيخ

حسين غيب غلامي ص ١٩..٢١.

٧توشيح الديباج وحلية الابتهاج بدر الدين القرافي ص٤٢

٨ابن الجزري الكاشف في معرفة من له رواية في كتب السنة ص٢٩٥

٩ابن خلكان في وفيات الاعيان وانباء الزمان ج ١ ص٢٢٧ ذي رقم ١٣١ جعفر الصادق

١٠ لماذا لم يصرح باسم الامام علي ع في القران ص٢٣ للكاتب/السيد مرتضى الحسيني القزويني.

١١كتاب المصنف لابن شيبة ٧/ ٤٣٢رقم ٣٧٠٤٥

١٢انساب الاشراف للبلاذري ج١ ص٥٨٦ لاحمد بن يحي بن جابر البغدادي

١٣ تاريخ الطبري ج٣ ص١٠١ لمحمد بن جرير الطبري.

١٤سنن ابي دادود السجستاني .

١٥الصواعق المحرقة لابن حجر العسقلاني باب ١١ الفصل الاول

١٦ سنن ابن ماجة ج٢

١٧ينابيع المودة للقندوزي ج٣ باب٧٢ الحاوي ج٢

١٨ كتاب فاطمة الزهراء من قبل الميلاد الى ما بعد الاستشهاد ص٤١٩..٤٢٠. للمؤلف عبدالله عبد العزيز

١٩نهج البلاغة لابن ابي الحديد المعتزلي.

٢٠ ينظر مجلة الاحرار .للأمانة العامة للعتبة الحسينية المطهرة العدد ٥١٠ ص١٣.

٢١ نهج البلاغة خطبة المتقين .(حادثة همام)

٢٢خطبة السيدة الزهراء ع لابن طيفور في بلاغات النساء .

٢٣ رسائل الجاحظ ص٣٠٠ /كتاب النص والاجتهاد

٢٤ الاحتجاج للطبرسي ج١

٢٥ بصائر الدرجات للصفار ج٧

٢٦ اسطورة الادب الرفيع / للدكتور علي الوردي ص٢٩٦






Proceedings of the Scientific Conference (Lady Fatima Al-Zahra Conference) - in cooperation with Wasit University

How to Cite

Kareem Azab Lafa Al-Zamili , R. . ., & Talib Maher Fadh Al-Miryani, D. (2025). Fatimah Al-Zahra (PBUH): Pain and Pen. مجلة واسط للعلوم الانسانية, 20(4/Pt2), 214-200. https://doi.org/10.31185/wjfh.Vol20.Iss4/Pt2.827