The Mubahala Verse: The Qur’anic narrative perspective of the Fatimid formative existenceAn analytical-fundamental study in language and rhetoric


  • Rese. Iman Ghazi Ahmed University of Basra College of Arts Department of Arabic Language



story - Mubahala - language - rhetoric - Fatimid composition


The Mubahala verse in Surat Al Imran represents a narrative system rich in the rhythms of the Arabic story, and with vocabulary and linguistic and semantic elements, which appear clearly and clearly to represent a major pillar of the Qur’anic stories in Surat Al Imran in particular and the surahs of the Holy Qur’an in general.

   The story of the Mubahala draws its cognitive horizons in its relationship with the other, and it intersects at the same time through the travails of Islamic existence and formation with the denial of this existence and the attempt to distort it. The story of the Mubahala has a narrative vision that seeks the travails of formation for its characters, with the colors of the narrative entrances, with its people and heroes who are primarily concerned with the discourse.

   The narrative structure of the Mubahala story appears in three semantic patterns in which the narrative axes emerge. It is embodied in the events, the paths of the characters, and the time and place of the story, and it extends as a dramatic plot.



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Proceedings of the Scientific Conference (Lady Fatima Al-Zahra Conference) - in cooperation with Wasit University

How to Cite

Iman Ghazi Ahmed , R. (2025). The Mubahala Verse: The Qur’anic narrative perspective of the Fatimid formative existenceAn analytical-fundamental study in language and rhetoric. مجلة واسط للعلوم الانسانية, 20(4/Pt2), 45-23.